Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 5 pm | Friday: 8 am – 4 pm | Saturday: 9 am – 2 pm


Behavior Management & Sedation Dentistry

Let us show you how we ensure a pleasant dental experience for every child. We want them to feel confident and form positive memories of every single appointment. Earning your child’s trust is what we’re most looking forward to!


What is
in Pediatric Dentistry?

Behavioral guidance is all about helping your child feel safe and comfortable when they visit us.

We use various techniques to guide and manage behavior. One common method is “Tell-Show-Do,” where we explain what we do in easy-to-understand terms. We show kids how it’s done on a model or their finger and then perform the procedure.

Positive reinforcement is another technique we use. We will praise your child for their cooperation and bravery, no matter how small.

We also use distraction techniques, voice control, and nonverbal communication.

To keep your kids’ minds off the dental work, we might play their favorite music, show videos, or give them toys. Adjusting the tone and pace of our speech is another way to reassure them. Additionally, we use nonverbal communication, like smiling and calm gestures, to make them feel safe.


Pain & Anxiety Relief

Sometimes, kids can get really anxious, or we might need to do a complicated dental procedure. When that’s the case, we use the appropriate type of sedation to ensure they feel no pain or anxiety.

Local Anesthesia

This is a numbing medication that we apply directly to the area of your child’s mouth that needs work. It completely numbs the spot, so there won’t be any discomfort while the procedure is done. During local anesthesia, your child remains fully awake.

Mild Oral Conscious Sedation

Mild oral conscious sedation involves giving your child a liquid or pill to soothe them. They remain awake and can respond to simple instructions. However, they will feel significantly calmer and may not remember much about the procedure afterward. This type of sedation is useful for longer treatments or for children who experience higher levels of anxiety.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, often called laughing gas, is a safe and effective sedative agent. It’s mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that covers your child’s nose. It helps them relax and feel more at ease during their treatment. The effects wear off quickly once the mask is removed.

General Anesthesia

For extensive dental work or for children who are very young, extremely anxious, or have special needs, we might recommend general anesthesia. This means your child will be completely asleep during the procedure, feeling no discomfort or fear. While your child is asleep, we will monitor their heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. After we’re done, we will watch over them as they wake up to ensure they recover well.

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